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DET2210 - Advanced Modeling with Inventor



3 (2/1/0)


This course covers advanced part modeling, assembly modeling, sheet metal, frame generator and presentation files in the latest version of the Inventor software package.


  1. Analyze top-down, bottom-up and middle-out assembly configurations.
  2. Utilize advanced part modeling tools for feature generation.
  3. Demonstrate design intent concepts and techniques.
  4. Utilize and appropriately apply assembly constraints to control degrees of freedom in assemblies.
  5. Manipulate sheet metal fabrication standards and default settings to reflect industry standards.
  6. Utilize sheet metal tools to create folded sheet metal parts and flat patterns.
  7. Manipulate and utilize the presentation environment to create exploded assembly models and animations.
  8. Identify and properly apply balloon callouts on assembly drawings.
  9. Manipulate settings for a bill of material in assembly drawings and utilize them to generate accurate parts lists.
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