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DNAS1119 - Advanced Functions



5 (2/3/0)


This course is designed to provide the student with instruction and practice to perform the clinical competency in the following intra-oral functions approved by the Minnesota Board of Dentistry: taking radiographic exposures, performing mechanical polishing, taking preliminary impressions and bite registrations, applying topical fluoride, placing and removing periodontal dressing, removing excess cement, monitoring nitrous oxide-induced patients, induction of nitrous oxide/oxygen sedation, removing excess bond from orthodontic appliances with rotary instruments and applying pit and fissure sealants. In addition the following intra-oral functions are taught and practiced to laboratory competency: removing sutures, preliminary adaptation of temporary (provisional) crowns, performing selected orthodontic functions, applying bleaching agents and performing approved endodontic procedures.


  1. Perform advanced functions according to Minnesota rules/regulation qualifications.
  2. Demonstrate safe clinical practices.
  3. Customize oral hygiene instructions (OHI).
  4. Perform patient mechanical or coronal polish procedures.
  5. Take alginate impressions to include unilateral and bilateral bite registration on a patient.
  6. Describe fluoride and its use in dentistry.
  7. Demonstrate excess cement removal techniques.
  8. Demonstrate rubber dam placement and removal results.
  9. Demonstrate temporary and provisional crown removal and adaptation procedure.
  10. Demonstrate pit and fissure sealant application techniques.
  11. Demonstrate orthodontic procedures according to Minnesota's delegable duties.
  12. Demonstrate excess bond removal using hand instruments and rotary instruments according to Minnesota's delegable duties.
  13. Demonstrate nitrous oxide/oxygen inhalation sedation.
  14. Customize periodontal dressing placement and removal.
  15. Demonstrate suture removal techniques on a typodont.
  16. Describe criteria for drying a root canal.
  17. Demonstrate use of standard precautions.
  18. Demonstrate appropriate patient safety techniques.
  19. Demonstrate appropriate equipment use and maintenance.
Degrees that use this course

Degrees that use this course

Associate of Applied Science (AAS)
Moorhead Campus