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ECE1115 - Creative Activities and Environment



3 (3/0/0)


This course provides an overview of developmentally appropriate learning experiences in home, center-based and school settings. Students integrate knowledge of developmental needs, environments and teaching strategies to enhance all areas of a child's emerging development throughout the curriculum.


  1. Examine and define developmentally appropriate practice and environments as they relate to individual children, their families, communities and the curriculum. (TECE 3.B3.5.b)
  2. Define and examine strategies to assess children's current and emerging levels of cognitive, social, emotional and creative development, then describe how to create an environment, including activities, where children are able to explore and expand their creative abilities supporting all areas of development. (TECE 3.B.9.c)
  3. Examine and explain how scheduling and daily routines meet infant and toddler needs for balance between predicable active/quiet, social/solitary experiences, reliable transitions and rest. (TECE 3.B3.5.b)
  4. Examine and explain how educational materials within planned creative experiences balance infant/toddler needs for growing independence and active exploration with the need for safety and health. (3.B.5.c)
  5. Examine strategies to assess infant and toddler emerging levels of social/emotional and creative development, then plan how to structure and create an environment to promote exploration, creativity and positive, constructive interactions among infants and toddlers. (TECE 3.B.7.b) (TECE 3.B.9.c)
  6. Examine how developmentally appropriate learning experiences can enable pre-primary aged children to use play as an organizer between the acquisition and use of information supporting individual children's cognitive development. (TECE 3.C.5.b)
  7. Plan developmentally appropriate learning experiences for pre-primary aged children that support all areas of development in which children can use materials in self-selected, self-directed ways. (TECE 3.C.8.d)
  8. Plan developmentally appropriate learning experiences for pre-primary aged children that are open-ended and reinforce positive self-esteem, individuality and individual children's emerging creative development. (3.C.8.e)
  9. Evaluate and describe a primary-aged learning environment based on play, materials, child choice and decision making, child exploration and interactions that supports all areas of child development. (TECE 3.D.3)
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Fergus Falls Campus