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ELWT1100 - Introduction to Lineworker Theory



4 (2/2/0)


This introductory course provides the student with knowledge of electrical theory including atomic structure, Ohms law, and series and parallel circuits. This course also includes some hands-on dealing with the terminating of underground wire and rigging of ropes used in the electrical lineworker industry.


  1. Demonstrate electrical safety.
  2. Apply electrical formulas.
  3. Apply direct current (DC) theory.
  4. Demonstrate understanding of meter skills.
  5. Demonstrate the terminating of a 200 amp underground elbow.
  6. Identify electrical circuit components.
  7. Construct DC circuits.
  8. Troubleshoot DC circuits.
  9. Demonstrate the tying of knots used in industry.
  10. Compute formulas used in the solving of Ohm's law.
  11. Display professional conduct.
  12. Diagram DC circuits.
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