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ENGT1134 - Office Systems and Equipment



3 (1/2/0)


This course covers the application of Windows software systems in coordination with AutoCAD software as well as general office equipment set-up and use.


  1. Produce originals and reproduce copies using large-format copy machines.
  2. Select and utilize appropriate technologies for computer-aided drafting (CAD) output including network plotters and printers.
  3. Demonstrate file management and file structure skills by maintaining files on various drives.
  4. Create estimation sheets using Excel software.
  5. Produce schedules in Excel and incorporate into CAD files.
  6. Modify CAD files for delivery and coordination.
  7. Capture images using a digital camera and incorporate into CAD.
  8. Modify images using computer software.
  9. Create a PowerPoint presentation and demonstrate effective presentation skills.
  10. Create email directories and exhibit proper email communication and etiquette.
  11. Prepare professional office documents in Word software.
  12. Create a professional cover letter, resume and references for a given job opening.
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