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HLTH1110 - Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology



3 (3/0/0)


This course is an introduction to the structure and function of the human body. Focus will be on the study of each individual organ system and the interaction of each system with the rest of the body.


  1. Locate body cavities and directions.
  2. Use anatomical terminology.
  3. Describe how the body systems are involved with homeostasis.
  4. Describe how the body systems interact with each other.
  5. Identify the major structures and functions of the digestive system.
  6. Identify the major structures and functions of the urinary system.
  7. Identify the major structures and functions of the reproductive systems.
  8. Identify the major structures and functions of the nervous system.
  9. Identify the major structures and functions of the cardiovascular system.
  10. Identify the major structures and functions of the blood system.
  11. Identify the major structures and functions of the respiratory system.
  12. Identify the major structures and functions of the lymphatic and immune systems.
  13. Identify the major structures and functions of the musculoskeletal system.
  14. Identify the major structures and functions of the skin system.
  15. Identify the major structures and functions of the endocrine system.
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