HUM1132 - Women in the Humanities

3 (3/0/0)
Meets MnTC Goal Areas 6 and 7. This course is a study of the contributions of women in the humanities as writers, artists and social reformers with emphasis on 20th century women. The course will incorporate individual studies of Quaker women, frontier women, African American women and Native American women.
  1. Women's traditional and contemporary cultural contributions as artists, composers, and writers.
  2. Focus on societal setting of women of diverse racial and ethnic groups.
  3. Investigate the humanitarian contributions of women as community members.
  4. Expand on temporary issues within realm of diverse population.
  5. Demonstrate awareness of women's cultural contributions.
  6. Understanding of women's contributions based on the historical and societal setting.
  7. Capacity to critique potential societal impact and cultural acceptance of women artists and writers.
  8. Display understanding and ability to evaluate the significant aspects of women's humanitarian achievements and developments.
  9. Capacity to critique potential societal impact and cultural acceptance of women artists and writers.
  10. Analyze personal knowledge and skills for living effectively in diverse population.
Goal Areas
6. The Humanities and Fine Arts
7. Human Diversity