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MLT1125 - Immunohematology Lab



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This course is the laboratory component of MLT1124, Immunohematology, and addresses the analytical principles, techniques and correlation of results related to blood banking and transfusion medicine. The course covers techniques including evaluating criteria for specimen rejection, blood type and cross match procedures, antigen typing, identification of expected and unexpected antibodies, investigation of transfusion reactions and blood component preparation.
  • Admission to the MLT program


  1. Prepare quality control material and patient specimens for analysis.
  2. Determine suitability of specimens for blood bank testing.
  3. Perform basic immunohematology tests including ABO, Rh, antibody screen, antibody identification, compatibility testing, direct antiglobulin test and antigen typing with correct technique.
  4. Interpret the results of immunohematological methods.
  5. Recognize acceptable and unacceptable quality control material and patient sample results.
  6. Troubleshoot pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical issues.
  7. Accurately report quality control material and patient sample results.
  8. Demonstrate laboratory safety and use of Standard Precautions.
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