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MLT2131 - Diagnostic Chemistry



3 (3/0/0)


This is an introductory course for Medical Laboratory Technology students which covers the analytical principles, techniques and correlation of results in the science of body chemistry. Other topics included in the course are instrumentation, calculations, quality assurance and quality control, analysis and result interpretation.
  • Admission to MLT program.


  1. Describe the components, principles and analytic methods of select instruments.
  2. Describe the principle and clinical significance of diagnostic chemistry tests.
  3. Evaluate pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical variables associated with chemical analysis.
  4. Interpret chemistry laboratory results seen in health and disease.
  5. Evaluate quality assurance and quality control as they pertain to medical chemistry.
  6. Evaluate the production, maintenance and excretion of various body chemical analytes.
  7. Discuss specimen collection and handling for chemistry analyses.
  8. Calculate and interpret selected medical chemistry measurements.
  9. List specimen requirements, limitations and sources of errors for all determinations.
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