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MLT2266 - Diagnostic Microbiology



3 (3/0/0)


This is an introductory course for Medical Laboratory Technology students which covers the analytical principles, techniques and correlation of results related to diagnostic microbiology. This course discusses microorganisms of medical importance in relationship to disease and diagnosis, emphasizing identification of common pathogenic bacteria, fungi, yeast, viruses and parasites in humans. Other topics included in the course are instrumentation, calculations, quality assurance and quality control, analysis and result interpretation.
  • Admission to MLT program


  1. Correlate patient test results with health and disease states.
  2. Compare and contrast general characteristics, morphology and classification of bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.
  3. Describe the general and unique characteristics of common human pathogens.
  4. Compare and contrast various isolation media used in laboratory testing.
  5. Examine host-microbe interactions.
  6. Recommend methods to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases.
  7. Evaluate the importance of immunization protocols.
  8. Compare and contrast basic microbiology techniques.
  9. Diagnose microorganisms and disease states using case studies.
Degrees that use this course

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