
PSYC2300 - Internship Experience



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This course is designed to provide students with a monitored meaningful work experience in an area of interest within the field of psychology. Students will work in a professional environment while applying a variety of psychological theories, concepts and/or skills. Completion of this course requires a written report and an evaluation from the student's supervisor. Each internship is an individualized experience, therefore this course is offered with variable credits and may be repeated up to two times. The student may choose from one, two or three credits as prearranged with the internship site supervisor and corresponding faculty. Each credit will require a minimum of 45 hours of on-the-job learning. This course will be graded pass/fail only.
  • Instructor approval


  1. Attain specific job-related skills.
  2. Demonstrate dependability, initiative, time management, organization and prioritization.
  3. Apply psychological theories and/or concepts to a professional setting.
  4. Utilize critical thinking in decision making to solve problems.
  5. Demonstrate professional interpersonal skills.
  6. Utilize written communication skills to document the learning experience.
  7. Utilize appropriate ethical and communication skills in a workplace environment.
  8. Gain practical, hands-on work experience.