
SOC2216 - Sociology of Race and Ethnicity



3 (3/0/0)


Meets MnTC Goal Areas 5 and 7. This course examines the ambiguities and conflicts embedded within the broad and inclusive concept of diversity and endeavors to combine subjective interpretations of diversity with sociological perspectives to better prepare students to participate in, and appreciate, an increasingly diverse culture.
  • College-level reading and writing skills are recommended.


  1. Employ sociological methods to investigate ethnic, racial and gender population dynamics.
  2. Construct a realistic scenario of life for specific ethnic populations.
  3. Investigate the range of prejudicial and discriminatory processes and responses evident across various categories.
  4. Review the range of diversity in existing theories concerning ethnic and gender relations.
  5. Investigate the potential merits and drawbacks of multiculturalism and political correctness.
  6. Explore the present and future dynamics of pluralism as it particularly relates to Minnesota and the surrounding region.
  7. Describe the changing meanings of ethnic and gender identities.
  8. Examine how and why Anglo-Saxon culture and institutions often dictate and define what other populations must become.
  9. Determine why people who define each other as "different" often have trouble developing harmonious relations.
  10. Develop action plans outlining personal responsibilities in reference to select social issues.

Goal Areas

5. History and the Social and Behavioral Sciences
7. Human Diversity