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SPAN2211 - Intermediate Spanish I



4 (4/0/0)


Meets MnTC Goal Area 8. This course is the first semester of Intermediate Spanish. Students will develop reading, writing, listening and speaking through a focus on historical, political, cultural and artistic expressions of the Spanish-speaking world. Grammar from beginning Spanish courses is lightly reviewed. Students will learn new grammatical skills including the perfect tense of the indicative mood and simple tenses of the subjunctive mood.
  • Instructor approval


  1. Demonstrate expressive communication skills in Spanish in the simple and perfect tenses of the indicative mood and the present tense of the subjunctive mood, including affirmative, negative and interrogative sentence types.
  2. Demonstrate receptive communication skills in Spanish in the simple and perfect tenses of the indicative mood and the present tense of the subjunctive mood, including affirmative, negative and interrogative sentence types.
  3. Create original oral work in Spanish.
  4. Contrast word choice appropriate to distinct audiences in Spanish through specific vocabulary choices and grammatical constructs.
  5. Interact with classmates in Spanish to facilitate communication.
  6. Interact with the instructor in Spanish to facilitate communication.
  7. Express personal themes orally in Spanish.
  8. Express personal themes in writing in Spanish.
  9. Compare the experience and contributions of Hispanics in society and culture.
  10. Describe the influence of diverse cultures on the historical and contemporary Spanish-speaking world.
  11. Compare and contrast artistic contributions from the Spanish-speaking world.
  12. Explore the distinct cultural, social, religious and linguistic differences among Spanish-speakers.
  13. Examine the historical and political influences related to literary expressions from the Spanish-speaking world.
  14. Describe the immigration and emigration trends among Hispanics throughout the world.
  15. Compare and contrast the geography, natural resources and development of Spanish-speaking countries.

Goal Areas

8. Global Perspective