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eCampus in the High School


M State's eCampus in the High School (eCHS) offers challenging, engaging courses to eligible Minnesota high school students. Courses apply to several goal areas of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum and technical course options, preparing students to continue their education beyond high school.

eCHS features include:

  • College transcription
  • On-site key contacts at each high school
  • A user-friendly application and registration process
  • Student advising
  • Brighten Your Path workshop
  • Direct student and high school support available by phone and email

M State partners with participating high schools and Lakes Country Service Cooperative to offer eCHS.

eCHS Student Success Reports

For more information, contact Megan Adamczyk, director of dual enrollment and academic success, at or 218.846.3867.


eCHS Students

Taking eCampus in the High School courses will give you a jump start on your college education, save you money and give you college experience with the flexibility of online classes. 

Student eligibility requirements

High school juniors and seniors are eligible to apply for eCHS.

Required GPA: juniors 3.2 and seniors 2.8

Students also have the option to complete M State's College Readiness Self Assessment to learn more about college expectations and do a self-inventory on skills required to be successful in college courses.


  • Oct. 1 - Begin application process for spring semester
  • Oct. 15 - Begin submitting course registrations for spring semester
  • Dec. 1 - Begin application process for fall semester
  • Feb. 15 - Begin submitting course registrations for fall semester

Students who need testing to meet eligibility requirements are strongly encouraged to do so by these dates.

M State encourages early registration.

eCHS Common Courses with MnTC Transfer Goal Areas

General Education

ANTH 1100 - Anthropology (5, 8)

COMM 1120 - Intro to Public Speaking (1)

COMM 1140 - Interpersonal Communication (1)

ENGL 1101 - College Writing I (1)

ENGL 1205 - Writing about Literature (1)

GEOG 1110 - World Regional Geography (5, 8)

HIST 1101-1102 - Western Civilization (5, 8)

HIST 1201-1202 - American History (5, 7)

HUM 1105 - Religion in the Humanities (6, 8)

MUSC 1118 - Rock and Pop Music (6)

PHIL 1201 - Ethics (2, 6, 9)

POLS 1120- Ethics (2, 6, 9)

PSYC 1200 - Genera Psychology (, 9)

PSYC 2220 - Abnormal Psychology (5)

SOC 1111 - Intro to Sociology (2, 5, 7)

SOC 1113 - Social Problems (5, 9)


STEAM Courses

ART 1127/1128/1129 - Art History (2, 6, 8)

BIOL 1122/1123 - General Biology (2, 3)

CHEM 1100 - Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry (2, 3)

CPTR 1001 - Intro to Programming and Scripting

CPTR 1170 - Web Engineering I

ENGR 2210 - Engineering Mechanics I

MATH 1114 - College Algebra (2, 4)

MATH 1122 - Applied Calculus (2, 4)

MATH 1134 - Calculus I (2, 4)

MATH 1213 - Introduction to Statistics (2, 4)

PHYS 1105 - Fundamental Concepts of Physics (3)

Health Careers

BIOL 2260/61 - Anatomy  Physiology I (3)

HLTH 1116 - Medical Terminology 

MATH 1134 - Calculus I (2, 4)

PSYC 2222 - Lifespan Development (5, 9)

Career and Technical Education (CTE)

ACCT 1012 - Foundations of Accounting

ACCT 1120 - Business Law

ACCT 1124 - Spreadsheet Applications

ADMS 1142 - Career Internship

BUS 1146 - Personal Finance

CPTR 1104 - Intro to Computer Technology

CRJU 1101 - Intro to Criminal Justice

ECON 2210 - Macroeconomics

ECON 2222 - Microeconomics