Training Programs
Local Anesthesia for Dental Assistants
45-hour training program
This course provides licensed dental assistants with the knowledge and skills to safely administer supraperiosteal and field block injections under the direct supervision of a dentist, without causing harmful physiological side effects.
View trainings and register
Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Inhalation Analgesia
12-hour course
This course prepares dental assistants and dental hygienists to safely administer nitrous oxide/oxygen inhalation analgesia, as required by the Minnesota State Board of Dentistry.
For customized training for your dental office, contact Jenna.
Mental Health First Aid
Basic Life Support (BLS) CPR
For more information, contact Denice.
LPN Principles of Intravenous (IV) Therapy
For more information or to be added to the waiting list, contact Denice.
Nursing Assistant Training
For upcoming nursing assistant training courses, or to register, visit our Nurse Assistant Courses.
For more details, contact BreAnna
Nursing Assistant Testing
To view test dates or register for the Nursing Assistant Competency Exam, visit our Nursing Assistant Competency Exam.
If your facility requires a test date for a class, please contact contact BreAnna.
Skills Test locations
- Detroit Lakes: 900 Highway 34 East
- Moorhead: 2800 27th Ave S
- Fergus Falls: 1414 College Way
Medication Administration for School Personnel
Four-hour, self-paced online course
This course trains participants to safely administer medications in schools. Upon completion, participants qualify as unlicensed assistive personnel who can administer medications under the supervision of a licensed school nurse.
Participants have two weeks to complete the online course and three additional weeks to demonstrate medication administration skills in the presence of a licensed RN. For more information contact Denice.
Aug. 2024-June 2025 Registration Form
Medication Administration for Unlicensed Personnel/Medication Assistant II
For details, including registration forms and program schedules for Minnesota and North Dakota, contact Denice.
Nurse Refresher Course for RNs and LPNs
This course is board-approved for RNs or LPNs in Arkansas, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.
For more information, email