Minnesota State Community and Technical College welcomes high school students interested in the Post-Secondary Enrollment Options program. Success in college starts with successfully adjusting to the college-level expectations.
M State Student Agreement of Understanding
Be responsible
To be successful in college, you need to have self-discipline, good study habits and time-management skills. Students in concurrent courses are held to the same standards as students in classes taught on the college campuses. Read your class syllabus carefully to understand what is expected of you in your class.
Class attendance and active participation are critical to your success as a college student. Each instructor's attendance policy should be outlined in the course syllabus. It is important to be engaged in classroom discussions, ask questions and attend every class session.
Hit the books
College classes are more academically challenging. As a general rule, you will need to spend two hours of study time for each hour you are in class. College students are expected to:
- Complete assignments and take tests on time
- Use effective study skills that fit your learning style
- Take effective notes and study them regularly
- Create your own study guides
- Utilize comprehensive research skills and properly site sources
- Be organized and prepared for class
Academic honesty and integrity
Students are expected to be the sole author of their work and to acknowledge the authorship of others' work through proper citation and reference. Use of another person's ideas constitutes plagiarism and academic dishonesty and is prohibited conduct. The consequence of academic dishonesty is determined by the instructor and may include but is not limited to non-acceptance of submitted course work, failing grade on assignment, lower or failing grade in a course. The Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy, along with all other M State policies, can be found at Policies and Procedures.
Meet the requirements
You are responsible for meeting satisfactory program requirements every semester. This means maintaining the GPA and percentage completion requirements outlined in the M State Student Handbook. Failure to meet these requirements will disqualify you from the concurrent enrollment program.
Ask for help
General help
If you are experiencing problems, talk with your teacher and high school counselor right away, or call M State at 1.877.450.3322 and ask to schedule an appointment with a staff member about your concerns.
M State accessibility resources
M State is committed to providing equal access to education for all students, and Accessibility Resources which supports that commitment by partnering with faculty, staff and students to remove disability-related barriers to education through reasonable accommodation to qualified students.
Students are invited to contact Accessibility Resources promptly to determine eligibility and/or submit accommodation requests. To receive service, register with Accessibility Resources. Once registered, accommodation requests need to be made each semester for which accommodation is requested.
Comply with college policies
You are responsible for understanding and complying with college policies outlined in the handbook (i.e., drop/add/withdrawal, academic progress, etc.). If you register for a class and decide to drop it, contact your high school counselor immediately. Concurrent students must follow the deadline for the last day to withdraw, just like all other college students. For important dates and deadlines, check out the M State Academic Calendar.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law which gives college students the right to control disclosure of private education records. If you would like your parent or guardian to have access to your records, you must sign a release of information form and return it to your high school's counseling office.
Plan for your future
Please keep in mind that your concurrent classes will be a permanent part of your college record. The grades you receive will count toward your cumulative college GPA and will impact your future college career. Understand that you will be required to send a M State transcript to all colleges you attend in the future, and you will be held to college policies regarding satisfactory academic progress and financial aid eligibility based on your academic performance.