Adam Jurek
"I had always thought about this career in the back of my mind, and then looked into it more my senior year of high school. I had heard it was fun. I had a cousin go through the program at M State and I’d heard a lot of good things. I heard it was the best in the state, and that the work was demanding but fun, with good bonuses. Ultimately, there were a lot of reasons I could find to do it, and not many reasons not to. So, I told my counselor at school what I wanted to do, and she got me set up with the program.
Overall, it’s been super good; really fun and informative and I’ve learned a lot. There’s really nice equipment and facilities here, and they put us in a lot of realistic positions that we’d be in out in the field. I like the instructors a lot. A favorite memory is learning to climb and then climbing up a 50-foot pole. I feel like everybody has to respect heights, but especially in this industry."