Program Review Policy
All College programs will be reviewed by their faculty every five years on a predetermined schedule to determine their overall quality, compliance with disciplinary standards and best practices, fiscal efficiency and level of student success.
To provide a system of continuous review and improvement for all Minnesota State Community and Technical College academic programs.
Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs
Ensure functioning of the Program Review Committee. Review final reports and take information to the President’s Council once per year.
Office of Institutional Research
Support faculty involved in program review by providing needed college statistics.
Academic Deans
Assist faculty in preparation of program review documents.
Program Review Committee
Notify faculty of program review requirements and materials
Provide an orientation at the start of each fall semester to faculty of programs scheduled for review
Train reviewers
Review submitted materials
Send findings to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs
Program Faculty
Complete self-assessment program review forms as required.
Minnesota State system Board Policy 3.14