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Software Installation and Vetting Policy

Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness and Technology Solutions
Effective date:
March 13, 2019
Last content update:
March 13, 2019


To ensure that all software agreements and “software as a service” contracts (SaaS) entered into by employees on behalf of Minnesota State Community and Technical College comply with the guidelines set forth by the Minnesota State system and Minnesota state law.



The thorough review, approval and/or addendum of an external vendor contract or terms of service or use of language by college staff and Minnesota State system legal counsel prior to purchase.

Terms of Service (TOS)

TOS is the acronym for Terms of Service and refers to the Software Agreement Terms of Service.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

SaaS is the acronym for Software as a Service. It is a software licensing and delivery model in which software or data access is licensed on a subscription basis, hosted off premises. It is sometimes referred to as on-demand software or cloud-based software.

End User License Agreement (EULA)

End User License Agreement in proprietary software or software license agreement is the contract between the licensor and the purchaser, establishing the purchaser’s right to use the software.


This policy applies to all employees involved in acquiring software applications or software as a service (SaaS) contracts on behalf of Minnesota State Community and Technical College.

  • All work-related and college software, software as a service contracts (SaaS) and data subscriptions intended for purchase or use, regardless of cost, must be reviewed and approved by the College in consultation with System Office Security and General Counsel.


Minnesota State Academic and Technology Software Agreements/Contracts

Minnesota State Community and Technical College Software Installation and Vetting Request Form

Associated Policies and Procedures

Minnesota State Community and Technical College Software Vetting and Installation Procedure

Minnesota State system Board Policy 5.14 Contracts, Procurements, and Supplier Diversity

Minnesota State system Board Policy 5.14.5 Purchasing

Minnesota State system Board Policy 5.23 Security and Privacy of Information Resources