
Career Exploration


M State licensed counselors work with high school counselors and teachers to develop individualized career counseling activities and workshops based on the unique needs of each high school.

Tools we use

  • HumanMetrics (Myers-Briggs Information)
  • M State GPS LifePlan
  • PayDay game: (Using PayDay candy bars to discuss salaries for various programs M State)

These personality and interest tests help students learn about themselves and guide them into a successful and promising future.

M State career exploration sessions

Students are also invited to attend M State's on-campus Career Exploration Sessions!

Personal learning plans

To help ensure Minnesota students have a successful transition to education and employment after high school, Minnesota legislation requires all students, starting in ninth grade, to have a plan around seven elements. This plan should include:

  • Academic scheduling
  • Career exploration
  • 21st-century skills
  • Community partnerships
  • College access
  • All forms of post-secondary training
  • Experiential learning opportunities

Minnesota Department of Education Toolkit - Resources in all seven required areas, as well as strategies and partnerships that can help districts implement the directive