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ARCH1126 - Residential Project I



3 (1/2/0)


This course covers the design development and documentation of single-family living. Students will be introduced to residential design styles as well as proper documentation methods.


  1. Identify architectural styles and elements.
  2. Design residential schematics according to given design criteria.
  3. Produce a project template file to specified computer aided drafting (CAD) standards
  4. Draw basement and main level floor plans.
  5. Draw a typical wall section.
  6. Draw a building section.
  7. Design a building exterior based on a given architectural style.
  8. Draw building elevations.
  9. Draw a roof plan.
  10. Draw a stair section.
  11. Create bathroom and kitchen layouts.
  12. Draw a kitchen plan and cabinet elevations.
  13. Draw a bathroom plan and cabinet elevations.
  14. Evaluate site design factors.
  15. Draw a site plan according to given zoning requirements.
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