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ED2210 - Education Technology



3 (3/0/0)


This course is designed to provide students with the skills necessary to support and reinforce the instruction of K-6 students in the area of technology. Students will utilize technology to gather and develop classroom lesson plans. Students will examine assistive/augmentative technology and the technologies required of prospective and practicing teachers. Students will also learn to apply their skills and knowledge when assisting students.


  1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of concepts related to technology and student learning.
  2. Describe areas of exceptionality in learning, including learning disabilities, perceptual difficulties, and physical or mental challenges, gifts and talents.
  3. Identify and apply technology resources to enable and empower learners with diverse backgrounds, characteristics and abilities.
  4. Use educational technology to broaden student knowledge about technology to deliver instruction to students at different levels and paces, and to stimulate advanced levels of learning.
  5. Understand the social, ethical, legal and human issues surrounding the use of information and technology in schools and apply that understanding in practice. Understand the social, ethical, legal and human issues surrounding the use of information and technology in pre-K-12 schools and apply that understanding in practice.
  6. Define terminology related to the instruction of technology, including assistive/augmentative technology.
  7. Apply the concepts of social, ethical, legal and human issues surrounding the use of information and technology in schools.
  8. Analyze the continuous development needed to effectively use technology and assistive/augmentative technology with students.
  9. Demonstrate the use of technology to gather and record data regarding student performance.
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