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FIRE1115 - Firefighter Skills II



2 (0/2/0)


This course covers the objectives of the Minnesota Fire Service Certification Board for certification as a Firefighter II. The MFSCB objectives are based on National Fire Protection Association 1001: Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications. This course will prepare the student to function at or above the minimum level of training for entry into a fire protection career field.


  1. Select the proper nozzle for appropriate fire conditions.
  2. Identify proper procedures in conducting a pre-incident fire inspection.
  3. Identify types of sprinkler suppression systems and their proper inspection.
  4. Demonstrate proper use of radio communications.
  5. Conduct vehicle rescue and extrication.
  6. Demonstrate proper procedures for securing and protecting a fire scene for investigation.
  7. Demonstrate an understanding of fire ground command.
Degrees that use this course

Degrees that use this course