LEAD2001 - Managerial Leadership

3 (3/0/0)
The objective of this course is to help students prepare for mid-level leadership roles by improving their managerial and leadership capabilities. This course is designed to help students understand the character and challenges of leadership at the organizational level. It explores how leadership skills can be developed and effectively applied in various settings while focusing on the leadership-management framework, employee engagement and quality service.
  1. Employ best practices in leading and guiding others as a second-level supervisor.
  2. Recognize the importance of reflecting organization-wide strategic initiatives and the departmental/divisional role in those goals.
  3. Gain the perspective to lead, influence and direct projects and/or people across an organizational structure.
  4. Highlight and define the conceptual, technical and interpersonal skills needed to manage teams and groups effectively and efficiently within an organizational context.
  5. Develop a balance between supervisory subordinates and their line employees, internal and external stakeholders and senior/executive teams in delivering organizational goals and mission.
  6. Develop skills and tools to coach and/or mentor first-line supervisors in developing their ability to balance day-to-day operations with organization-wide activities.
  7. Develop the ability to recognize strengths and limitations within the organizational structure to create an environment of efficiency and successful performance.
  8. Respectfully delegate and rely on supervisory subordinates to lead individual employees and enhance team performance.