Fergus Falls Campus Service Team
Need help? Here's the team that's ready to assist while you're a student on our Fergus Falls campus.
Advising: Your advisor's contact information is on your SpartanNet page
Bookstore: Rachel Karst
Business Services: https://www.minnesota.edu/about/facilities-and-finance/business-services
Campus Resources/General Information: Julianna Lindsey
Campus Registration and Records: Marci King or Abby Crowser
Career Services: Sue Zurn
Counseling: Steve Lindgren
Accessibility Resources: Ashley Broderick
Enrollment/Recruitment: Eric Price
Financial Aid: Jessica Umlauf
Housing: David Roberts
IT Support: Darren Hage or click on Tech Support on your SpartanNet page
Library: minnesota.edu/student-support/libraries
Payment Services: Tara Price
Student Life:
Veterans Services: Aaron Johnson
It's important for M State to have your current information. Please contact the Support Center at 877.450.3322 if you need assistance with updating your address, phone number, major or campus, or if you have had a name change.