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Satisfactory Academic Progress


Reach your degree completion goal. Keep your success story on track.

M State wants you to succeed!

Finishing your degree in a reasonable time, with acceptable grades, is known as satisfactory academic progress, or SAP.

If your grade point average (GPA) has slipped or you aren’t making as much progress as you'd like toward completing your degree, reach out to M State for support. Resources for you include academic advisors, counselors, instructors, social workers and tutors.

SAP requirements

M State's SAP policy outlines students' rights and responsibilities. The policy requires students who are taking 24 or more credits to maintain a 2.0 or higher cumulative GPA and complete at least 66.66 percent of their registered credits. Students taking 6-23 credits are expected to maintain at least a 1.75 GPA and complete a minimum of 58 percent of their registered credits.

SAP review

Every registered M State student receives a SAP review after each academic term (fall, spring and summer). Students meeting the SAP standards are on track to complete their degrees. Students who aren’t meeting the standards are sent notification letters, via their M State email accounts, after final grades are posted for the term.

Two types of SAP notifications

Appealing a suspension

Students on Academic Suspension may appeal their suspension by submitting a Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal (see "Submit Your Appeal" below).

An approved appeal results in a student's placement into Probation status. Probation reinstates a student's eligibility for class registration and financial aid (however the SAP Appeal review team may limit the number of credits a probationary student may register for).

If the appeal is unsuccessful, a one-semester suspension period will ensue and the student will be unable to register for courses or receive financial aid during that time. 

At the end of the suspension period, students seeking to return to school must appeal for potential financial aid reinstatement.

SAP Details