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ECHO1110 - Adult Echocardiography II



3 (3/0/0)


This course includes an in-depth review of the pathophysiology of heart disease and the role of ultrasound diagnosis and treatment. Topics include measurements of cardiac chamber size, calculations of valve area, hemodynamics, estimation of regurgitation, evaluation of native valve disease, evaluation of pericardial disease, prosthetic valves, aortic disease, cardiomyopathies and evaluation of cardiac tumors.


  1. Analyze left and right ventricular wall motion.
  2. Describe the calculations for valve area for stenosis.
  3. List the severity of valve regurgitation.
  4. Analyze cases associated with valvular disease and stenosis.
  5. Demonstrate how to assess the pericardium and pericardial disease.
  6. Analyze cases associated with wall motion abnormalities and myocardial disease.
  7. Demonstrate the assessment of heart valve repair and replacement.
  8. Describe ultrasound findings associated with ischemic heart disease.
  9. Describe pathophysiologic complications of coronary artery disease.
  10. Describe echocardiographic findings in the disease of the aorta.
  11. Demonstrate how to assess and interpret overall LV systolic and diastolic function.
  12. Communicate one’s roles and responsibilities as a sonographer clearly to patients, families, community members and other professionals.
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