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ECHO1115 - Adult Echocardiography Lab II



3 (0/3/0)


Students will continue to build on the ultrasound scanning skills learned in ECHO1100. Content includes the development of a full adult transthoracic echocardiography scanning protocol. In addition, students will learn the required measurements to determine the severity of cardiovascular disease.


  1. List patient information that is obtained prior to performing an echocardiogram.
  2. Demonstrate proper body mechanics and ergonomics during an ultrasound exam.
  3. List the two-dimensional (2D) views required for a complete echocardiogram.
  4. Demonstrate the use of psychomotor skills when acquiring 2D and Doppler techniques for the creation of an echocardiographic image.
  5. Demonstrate how to measure heart size and function using 2D imaging.
  6. List the echocardiographic views required to assess ischemic disease.
  7. Demonstrate how to measure Doppler waveforms for an assessment of diastolic function.
  8. Describe the echocardiographic views required for pericardial disease assessment.
  9. Describe how the Doppler principles are applied to an ultrasound image.
  10. List the imaging protocol for a complete echocardiographic examination.
  11. Describe how to optimize 2D imaging for improved visualization of heart structures.
  12. Demonstrate how to apply color Doppler for the assessment of valvular disease.
  13. Analyze Doppler waveforms in valvular stenosis.
  14. Demonstrate the use of M-mode for an assessment of heart structure.
  15. Demonstrate a systematic approach to a 2D and Doppler exam.
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