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ECE1111 - Diverse Children and Family Relations



3 (3/0/0)


This course covers the relationship between the caregiver/teacher, child, family and community. Students will explore teaching and environmental strategies that promote understanding and support diverse cultural and family structures. Students will examine cultural diversity/dynamics, bias, sensitivity, theory and the importance of the context of family, culture and society as they relate to learning and child development.


  1. Examine teaching and environmental strategies that promote a child's and family's sense of belonging and family connectedness. (TECE 3.A.5)
  2. Analyze and relate the importance of taking into account the context of family, culture and society on our understanding of children's development and behavior. (3.A.6)
  3. Assess own culture, personal values and bias to be sensitive to differences in family structures and to social and cultural backgrounds. (3.J.2)
  4. Explore theories of families and dynamics, roles and relationships within families and between families and communities. (3.J.3)
  5. Explore how to support families in assessing educational options and in making decisions related to child development and parenting. (3.J.4, 3.J.1)
  6. Research family-oriented services within local communities to be better able to link families with resources based on priorities and concerns. (TECE 3.J.5)
  7. Examine and recognize how to deal with dehumanizing biases, discrimination, prejudices, and institutional and personal racism and sexism. (SEP 3.D)
  8. Examine and describe how children's learning is influenced by individual experiences, talents and prior learning, as well as language, culture, family and community values. (SEP 3.E)
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Fergus Falls Campus