Tutoring Support

Free online tutoring 24/7

M State partners with tutor.com to provide free online tutoring to support your academic success. Tutors are available 24/7, so you can study on your own schedule. Subject areas supported include accounting, English, economics, computer science, healthcare, math, writing and more. Students get 15 hours of free access per year.

To access tutor.com:

  1. Log into your D2L Brightspace account 
  2. Click on tutor.com in the drop-down menu under Academic Resources

While Tutor.com offers 24/7 service, immediate access to tutors in your chosen area may not be available, and tutoring is not available for every course. Be sure to plan ahead, and if you need help in a course, let us or your instructor know.

For assistance, contact an M State academic specialist

Virtual tutoring with an M State academic specialist

To meet with an academic specialist virtually, view your options in D2L:

  1. Log into SpartanNet
  2. Click on D2L Brightspace
  3. Go to your course list (the grouping of nine squares at the top of the page)
  4. Click on eTutoring for a list of available tutors who can assist you.

Virtual support hours are 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday.

On-campus tutoring

M State academic specialists are located in each campus library. Visit your campus library and meet with an academic specialist to learn more about academic support available to you at M State!

Campus library hours 

Peer tutoring

M state peer tutors are students who tutor other students. Dates and tutoring subject matter varies by campus and semester. See courses for which peer tutoring is available and make an appointment at Subject-specific tutoring - M State.

M State Center for Academic Writing and Reading

The center helps you effectively apply reading and writing skills in your classes. 

Visit Center for Academic Writing and Reading to learn more.